Kissing Menden - Hersteller für Waschmarken, Apothekentalern und Münzen

Coins, thalers, tokens, chips and company logos - in different materials, diameters and thicknesses!

As a producer of coins, talers, tokens, tokens and chips, we offer you a wide range of products.

Fair prices and experience in production are our strengths!

We also develop and produce customised logos according to your specifications,
company and labelling plates. We are at your side when it comes to finding ideas.

Variety is our strength

Short delivery times characterise us as a producer. We produce embossing tools in-house, which means that special designs can be realised quickly.

At the customer’s request, we can produce the tokens with different perforations.

Thanks to a modern laser engraving machine, we are able to apply your logos to the embossing tools at low cost.

We can nickel plate the tokens in our in-house electroplating shop.

We can use steel, brass, nickel silver and copper as materials.

Waschmarken, Münzen, Taler

Coins, talers, tokens, tokens, chips, and identification plates

Waschmarken, Taler, Münzen für Tankstellen und Waschstraßen

Token for automatic car washes

Apothekentaler, Bonusmarken für Apotheken

Coins for pharmacies


Coins for parking

Münzen und Taler für jeden Anlass

Coins for other applications


Identification plates

Kissing GmbH

Als Produzent und Entwickler von Münzen, Talern, Wertmarken, Token, Jetons und Kennzeichnungsschilder bieten wir bei Kissing in Menden eine breite Palette an Produkten.


Kissing GmbH

For more than 150 years designer and producer of high-quality religious devotional products, symbols of faith and hostbaking equipmen


Kissing GmbH

Depuis plus de 150 ans nous développons et produisons les articles religieux, symboles de croyance et machines á hosties


Kissing GmbH

Desde hace más de 150 años desarrollamos y producimos artículos de devoción de primera calidad en diversos materiales.
