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Identification plates/company signs

Development and production of high-quality labeling signs

We can offer you the perfect solution, whether you need a special marking for your products, machines or equipment.

Our identification signs are ideal for all types of businesses and industries. Whether you are in industry, commerce or the service sector, we can help you to mark your products and services professionally and effectively.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you design and produce bespoke identification signs that perfectly suit your business.

We would be happy to send you an individual and non-binding offer.


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Kissing GmbH

Als Produzent und Entwickler von Münzen, Talern, Wertmarken, Token, Jetons und Kennzeichnungsschilder bieten wir bei Kissing in Menden eine breite Palette an Produkten.


Kissing GmbH

For more than 150 years designer and producer of high-quality religious devotional products, symbols of faith and hostbaking equipmen


Kissing GmbH

Depuis plus de 150 ans nous développons et produisons les articles religieux, symboles de croyance et machines á hosties


Kissing GmbH

Desde hace más de 150 años desarrollamos y producimos artículos de devoción de primera calidad en diversos materiales.
